
方向: | ad【朝向】;by【旁边】;epi【旁边】;para【旁边】;circum【周围】;dia【居中】;en;em【进入】;inter;【之间】;per【穿过】;para【旁边】;tele【远距离】;trans【穿越】; |
de【下降】;hyper【之上】;hypo【之下】;sub;suc;suf;sup【在下方】;super【在上方】;over【上方】; under【下】;up【上】; | |
fore【前面】;pre【前】;pro【向前】;post【后面】;with【向后】;ex;e;ec;ef;exo【向外】;il;im;in;ir【向内】;intro【向内】;intra【里面】;out【外】; | |
ab【相反】;dif【分开】;dis【相反】;ob;op【反】;re【相反】;se【分开】;extra【超出】;sur【超过】; | |
数字: | bi【二】;deca;dec;deci【十】;kilo【千】;octo;octa;octu【八】;tri【三】;twi【二】;hemi【一半】;mon;mono【单一】;multi【多】;poly【多】;uni【单一】; |
意义: | anti【反对】;arch【主要的;弧形 】;auto【自动】;be【使】;bene【好】;co【共同】;contra【对抗】; eco【生态】;geo【土地】;homo【相同】;mal【坏】;micro【微】mini【小】mis【错误】;sym;syn【共同的】;un【不】; |
- a| 加强
- ab;abs| 离开;相反;不 | away;from;not
- absent| abs+ent
- abduct| ab+duct
- abstract| abs+tract
- abuse| ab+use
- abnormal| ab+norm+al
- ab;ac;af;ap;ar;as;at| 加强 |to
- account
- accustom
- ad| 朝向 | to;toward
- admire| ad+mire
- adjoin| ad+join
- advertisement| ad+vert+ise+ment
- addict| ad+dict
- adorn| ad+orn
- anti| 反对 | aggainst
- antiaircraft| anti+aircraft
- antigas| anti+gas
- antimissile| anti+missile
- arch| 主要的;弧形 | chief
- architecture| archi+tect+ure
- archbishop| arch+bishop
- auto| 自己;自动 | self
- automatic| auto+matic
- automobile| auto+mobile
- autoalarm| auto+alarm
- be|使;加以;在| make
- behave
- beloved
- bene| 好 | good
- benefit| bene+fit
- benefactor| bene+fact+or
- benediction| bene+dict+ion
- bi| 二 | two
- bicycle| bi+cycle
- binoculars| bi+noculars
- bilingual| bi+lingu+al
- by| 旁边 | near
- byroad| by+road
- bypass| by+pass
- byline| by+line
- circum| 周围;环绕 | around
- circumambulate| circum+ambul+ate
- circumnavigate| circum+navigate
- circumscribe| circum+scribe
- circumspect| circum+spect
- circumvent| circum+vent
- co;com;con;cor;col| 共同;一起 | with;together
- coherent| co+her+ent
- combine| com+bine
- compassion| com+pass+ion
- congest| con+gest
- cooperation| co+oper+ation
- contra;contrp;counter| 反对;对抗 | against
- contradict| contra+dict
- contrary| contra+ry
- controversial| contro+versial
- counteract| counter+act
- counterattack| counter+attack
- de| 去除;下降 | down;away
- decline| de+cline
- decrepit| de+crep+it
- demeaning| de+mean+ing
- demerit| de+merit
- demolish| de+mol+ish
- deca;dec;deci | 十 | ten
- decade| deca+de
- decathlete| dec+athlete
- decible| deci+ble
- dia| 穿越;居中 | through;between
- diagnose| dia+gnose
- dialogue| dia+logue
- diameter| dia+meter
- dif| 分开;否定 |
- difference
- diffident
- dis| 相反的 | not
- disagree| dis+agree
- discourage| dis+cour+age
- dishonest| dis+honest
- dislike| dis+like
- dismiss| dis+miss
- eco| 生态;经济 |lift;
- ecological
- en;em| 使进入 | in
- embellish| em+bell+ish
- embrace| em+brace
- enclose| en+close
- enforce| en+force
- enhance| en+hance
- epi| 在…旁边;上;后 |
- epigram| epi+gram
- epigraph| epi+graph
- epilogue| epi+logue
- ex;e;ec;ef;exo| 向外 | out
- exclude| ex+clude
- exhale| ex+hale
- export| ex+port
- exposure| ex+pos+ure
- extend| ex+tend
- extra;extro| 超过 | over;beyond
- extracurricular| extra+curricul+ar
- extraordinary| extra+ordin+ary
- extravagant| extra+vag+ant
- fore| 前面 | before
- forearm| fore+arm
- forecast| fore+cast
- foredoom| fore+doom
- forefather| fore+father
- forehead| fore+head
- geo| 地;土地 |
- hemi| 一半 | half
- hemicycle| hemi+cycle
- hemisect| hemi+sect
- hemisphere| hemi+sphere
- homo| 相同 | of teh same
- homogenous| homo+genous
- homologous| homo+log+ous
- hyper| 在–之上;过度 | over
- hyperactive| hyper+act+ive
- hyperbolize| hyper+bol+ize
- hypercritical| hyper+crit+ical
- hypo| 在–之下;低于 | under
- hypogastric| hypo+gastr+ic
- hypotension| hypo+tens+ion
- hypothesis| hypo+thesis
- il;im;in;ir| 向内 | in
- immerse| im+merse
- immigrate| im+migrate
- implant| im+plant
- impress| im+press
- imprison| im+prison
- indoors| in+doors
- insert| in+sert
- insight| in+sight
- insist| in+sist
- invade| in+vade
- inter| 在–之间 | between;among
- interact| inter+act
- interfere| inter+fere
- interlace| inter+lace
- international| inter+nation+al
- interrupt| inter+rupt
- intro| 向内 | in
- introduce| intro+duc+e
- introvert| intro+vert
- intra| 在–里面 | in
- intracity| intra+city
- intragenic| intra+gene+ic
- intra-party| intra+party
- kilo| 千
- kilogram| kilo+gram
- kilometer| kilo+meter
- kilowatt| kilo+watt
- mal;male| 坏 | bad
- malady
- malfunction| mal-function
- maltreat| mal+treat
- micro| 微 | small
- microorganism| micro+organism
- microscope| micro+scope
- microwave| micro+wave
- mini| 小 | small
- minibike| mini+bike
- miniseries| mini+series
- miniskirt| mini+skirt
- mis| 错误;不 | wrong;not
- misbehave| mis+behave
- misfortune| mis+fortune
- misunderstanding| mis+understand+ing
- mon;mono| 单一 | one;single
- monogamy| mono+gamy
- monologue| mono+logue
- monopoly| mono+pol+y
- multi| 多 | many
- multicultural| multi+cultur+al
- multi-function| multi+func+tion
- multiple| multi+ple
- ob;op| 逆;反 |
- obdurate
- obstruct
- octo;octa;octu| 八 | eight
- octagon| octa+gon
- octopus| octo+pus
- octuplets| octu+plets
- out| 外;出
- outdoor| out+door
- outgrow| out+grow
- outrun| out+run
- over| 超过;在上方 | over;above
- overact| over+act
- overdue| over+due
- overemphasize| over+emphasize
- para| 旁边;保护 |
- parallel| para+llel
- paramount| para+mount
- per| 穿过;完全 | through;complete
- pertain| per+tain
- persist| per+sist
- perspective| per+spec+tive
- poly| 多;多数 | many
- polyclinic| poly+clinic
- polygamous| poly+gam+ous
- polymath| poly+math
- post| 后面 | after;behind
- posterity| post+er+ity
- postpone| post+pone
- postscript| post+script
- pre| 在–之前 | before
- precaution| pre+cau+tion
- precede| pre+cede
- predict| pre+dict
- premature| pre+mat+ure
- preoccupy| pre+occupy
- pro| 向前;代理 |
- proclivity
- profession
- re| 反向;再次 | back;again
- rebuild| re+build
- recall| re+call
- reduce| re+duce
- renew| re+new
- return| re+turn
- se| 分开 | apart;away
- secede| se+cede
- seduce| se+duce
- separate| se+par+ate
- sub;suc;suf;sup| 在–之下 | under
- subdivide| sub+divide
- submarine| sub+marine
- subway| sub+way
- super| 在上方 | over;above
- superficial| super+fic+ial
- superior| super+ior
- supervise| super+vise
- sur| 超过| over;above
- surcharge| sur+charge
- surmount| sur+mount
- survive| sur+vive
- sym;syn| 共同;相同 | together;at the same time
- synchronize| syn+chron+ize
- sympathize| sym+path+ize
- symphony| sym+phon+y
- tele| 远距离 | far
- telepathic| tele+path+ic
- telescope| tele+scope
- television| tele+vis+ion
- trans| 穿越;改变| across;change
- transform| trans+form
- transfer| trans+fer
- transparent| trans+par+ent
- tri| 三 | three
- triangle| tri+angle
- trilateral| tri+later+al
- triple| tri+ple
- twi| 二;两 | two
- twice| twi+ce
- twins| twi+ns
- un| 不 | not
- undo| un+do
- unfair| un+fair
- unfriendly| un+friend+ly
- under| 下;不足 |
- underground
- underpin
- uni| 单一 | one
- uniform| uni+form
- unify| uni+fy
- unique| uni+que
- up| 上
- update
- upgrade
- with| 向后;相反|against;away;back
- withdraw
- withstand
- acy;cy| 状态;特质
- accuracy| ac+cur+acy
- conspiracy| con+spir+acy
- privacy| priv+acy
- age| 做;做之后的结果
- advantage| ad+vant+age
- courage| cour+age
- marriage| marri+age
- al| 做;做之后的结果
- approval| ap+prov+al
- capital| capit+al
- disposal| dis+pos+al
- ance;ence| (抽象)状态;做
- assurance| as+sur+ance
- evidence| e+vid+ence
- occurrence| oc+curr+ence
- ancy;ency| (抽象)状态
- constancy| con+sta+ancy
- fluency| flu+ency
- vacancy| vac+ancy
- ant;ent| 人;特质
- accountant| ac+count+ant
- detergent| de+terg+ent
- opponent| op+pon+ent
- ar;er;or| 人;物
- beggar| begg+ar
- calculator| calculat+or
- founder| found+er
- ate| 状态;人;物
- advocate| ad+voc+ate
- certificate| certi+fic+ate
- illiterate| il+liter+ate
- action| 行为
- accusation| ac+cuse+ation
- adaptation| ad+apt+ation
- congratulation| con+gratul+ation
- dom| 领域;状况
- freedom| free+dom
- kingdom| king+dom
- wisdom| wise+dom
- ful| 分量
- handful| hand+ful
- mouthful| mouth+ful
- ian;an| 人
- magician| magic+ian
- pedestrian| ped+estr+ian
- vegetarian| vegetar+ian
- ic;ics| 学科
- civics| civ+ics
- dramatics| dramat+ics
- dynamics| dynam+ics
- ice| 行动;状态
- malice| mal+ice
- notice| not+ice
- prejudice| pre+jud+ice
- ing| 物;做
- blessing| bless+ing
- earning| earn+ing
- following| follow+ing
- ion| 状态;行动
- circulation| circu+lat+ion
- convention| con+vent+ion
- recession| re+cess+ion
- ism| 主义;行动
- atheism| a+the+ism
- pessimism| pessim+ism
- racism| rac+ism
- ist| 人
- chemist| chem+ist
- dentist| dent+ist
- terrorist| terror+ist
- ite| 人;物
- appetite| ap+pet+ite
- dynamite| dynam+ite
- opposite| op+pos+ite
- ity;ty| 状态;性质
- conformity| con+form+ity
- maturity| matur+ity
- novelty| nov+el+ty
- ive| 有–性质的;人
- captive| capt+ive
- motive| mot+ive
- native| nat+ive
- ment| 行为;结果;手段
- appointment| ap+point+ment
- displacement| dis+place+ment
- document| docu+ment
- ness| 状态;性质
- illness| ill+ness
- kindness| kind+ness
- seriousness| serious+ness
- ory| 地点
- factory| fact+ory
- laboratory| labo+rat+ory
- territory| terr+it+ory
- ship| 身份相关;动作
- friendship| friend+ship
- leadership| lead+er+ship
- relationship| relat+ion+ship
- ure| 结果;做
- departure| de+part+ure
- failure| fail+ure
- pleasure| pleas+ure
- y| 做之后的结果
- discovery| dis+cover+y
- inquiry| in+quir+y
- mastery| master+y
- ate| 导致;引发
- en| 导致;使变成
- er;or| 做
- ify| 导致;引发
- ize| 导致;引发
- ure| 做
- able;ible| 能够
- al;ial;ical| 特质
- ant;ent;ient| 有–性质的
- ar;ary| 有–性质的
- ate| 有–性质的
- ed| 具–的特质
- en| 物质
- ful| 具有–特质
- ic| 特质;–的
- ile;ish| 具–特质
- ive;ative;itive| 具–特质
- less| 没有
- ous;eous;ose;ious| 具–特质;和–相关
- y| 状态;特质
- ly| 有–特质
- ward| 朝–方向
- wise| 和–有关
- abl;abili| 能
- acid;acri;acrid;acu| 尖酸;锐利
- act;ag| 做
- aer;aero;aeri| 空气
- agri;agro;agr| 田地,农田
- alter(n);ali| 其它;改变
- am;amor;amat| 爱
- ambul| 行走
- anim| 气息
- ann(u)| 年
- aqu| 水
- arch(y)| 统治
- arm| 武器
- art(i)| 技巧
- aud(i);audit| 听
- aut;auto| 自己
- av;avar;avi |渴望;鸟
- ball;bol |抛;舞;球
- ban| 禁止
- bas| 低
- bell;bel| 战争;打斗
- bio| 生物
- brev| 短
- cad;cas;cid| 降落
- cand| 白光
- cant;cent| 唱歌
- cap;capt;cept;ceive;cip;cup| 抓取
- card;cord| 心脏;一致
- cede;ceed;cess| 行进;走;让步
- cent(i)| 一百
- celer| 快速
- centr(i)| 中心
- cern;cert;cret| 确定;区别
- chron| 长时间
- cide| 杀害
- close;clude;clus| 关闭
- circ;cycl| 圆
- civ| 公民
- cit| 引用;唤起
- claim;clam| 呼喊
- clear;clar;clair| 清楚;明白
- clin;cliv| 倾斜;斜坡
- clos;clud;clus| 关闭
- cord| 心
- corp;corpor| 身体;团体
- cover| 遮盖;盖子
- creed;cred| 信任
- cre;creas| 增长;产生
- cruc;crus;crux| 十字;交叉
- crypt| 秘密
- cub;cumb| 躺
- cur| 关心
- dent| 牙齿
- derm;dermat| 皮肤
- dic;dict| 说;断言
- dign| 值得;高贵
- doc| 教
- don;dit| 给予
- du(o);dub;dou(b)| 二,双
- dur| 持久;坚硬
- duc;duct| 引导,带来
- dyn;dynam| 力量
- electr| 电
- em;empt;ampl| 拿
- equ;equi| 相等;平均
- erg| 能量;活动
- err| 漫游;犯错误
- ev|年龄
- fabl;fabul| 说
- fac(t);fec(t);fic(t)| 做
- fall;fail;fault| 犯错误;欺骗
- fend;fens| 打击
- fer| 带来;拿来
- ferv| 热
- fid| 相信;信念
- fin| 范围;结束
- flam;flagr| 火焰
- flect;flex| 弯曲
- flict| 打击
- flor;flour| 花
- flu| 流动
- fore;fort| 强大
- form| 形成;形式
- found;fund| 基础
- fract;frang| 打碎
- frig;friger| 冷
- frim| 坚定
- fug| 逃
- fus| 流;泻
- gen(e);gener| 出产;产生;根源
- gnos(t);gnor| 知道
- gon| 角
- grad;gress| 行进
- grat;gree| 高兴
- grav;griev| 重
- greg| 群体
- gress| 行走
- habit| 居住
- hap| 运气
- her;hes| 粘附
- hibit| 拿住
- hydy;hydro| 水
- idea;ideo| 思想;观点
- imag| 想象
- ject| 投掷
- jur;juris| 发誓;法律
- join(t);junct| 连接,结合
- judg;judic| 判断
- labor| 劳动
- laps| 滑走
- lav;luv;lut| 洗;冲洗
- lect;lig| 选择;收集
- lect;leg| 讲;读
- lev;live| 提高;举起;变轻
- liber| 自由;考虑
- line| 直线;线条
- liqu| 液体
- liter| 字母;文字
- loc| 地方
- locu;log;loqu| 说话
- long;leng| 长
- lingu| 语言
- maj| 大,伟大
- man(i);manu| 手
- mark;marc| 记号,符号
- med(i);mid| 中间
- mend| 修改
- miss;mit| 发送
- mount| 登上,升
- mun(i)| 公共的
- neg| 否认,拒绝
- norm| 规则
- nounc(i)| 讲,说
- nov| 新的
- oper| 工作
- opt| 选择,视力,眼
- part| 部分,分开
- pass| 走,通过
- part(i)| 父亲,祖国
- pear| 看见
- ped 足
- pel;puls| 驱动,推
- pend| 悬挂
- phon(o)| 声音,嗓音
- physi(o)| 自然
- pict| 绘
- place| 地方
- plant| 种植
- ple;plen(t);plet| 满,填满
- port| 拿,运;部分,分开
- prehend;prehens| 抓
- press| 挤压;逼迫
- prim;prem;prin| 第一,主要的
- priv| 单个
- proach;proxim| 接近靠近
- prob;prov| 证明
- prot| 运送;携带
- pose| 放置
- press| 按压
- psych(o)| 心理,精神
- quaint| 知道
- quest;quir;quis;quer| 寻求,获得
- quot| 引用;数目
- radi| 光线
- range| 行列;顺序
- rest| 停留
- rect;reg| 正,直
- rud| 天然的,原始的
- rupt| 破,断裂
- san;sanit| 健康的
- sacr| 神圣的
- sati;satis;satur 足够的
- scop| 观察,看;镜
- scrib;script| 写
- sect;seg| 切,割
- secu;sequ;sue| 追随
- sens;sent| 感觉;保持
- set| 放,安置
- sess;sid| 坐
- sign| 记号,信号
- simil;simul(t);sembl| 类似,一样
- sist;sta| 站立
- soci| 同伴;社会
- sol(i)| 单独;太阳
- spec(i)| 外观;种类
- soect;spic;spec| 看
- spher(o)| 球
- spond;spons| 承诺,约定
- st;sta(n);stant;stat| 站,立
- stall| 放
- strain;strict;string| 拉紧
- struct| 建造,建立
- sum;sumpt| 拿,取
- sum(m)| 加
- sur| 肯定;安全
- tact;tag| 接触
- tail| 剪切
- tain;ten;tin| 拿住
- techn(o)| 技术,技艺
- tect| 盖上
- tele| 远;电
- temper;tempor| 时间或事件引起的现象
- tend;tens| 伸展
- test(i)| 测试,证据
- them(o)| 热
- toler| 容忍
- touch| 摸碰
- tort| 扭转
- tract| 拉,拖
- treat| 处理
- tribute| 给予
- trude;truse| 推
- urb| 城市
- vac;void| 空;缺乏
- vail;val(u)| 价值,之,强壮
- vers;vert| 转
- view;vis;vid| 看;分开
- viv(i);vit;vig| 生命
- vol;volunt| 意志,意愿
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